The RO Map Add-On V2.5 for ETS2 is an add-on created by Traian that introduces the first Romanian city into the game. Currently, the add-on includes the city of Oradea and a road leading to Debrecen. To play this add-on, you will need the DLC Going East! and ETS2 version 1.7.1/1.7.0/ or any compatible version. Please note that this is not the final version of the map, as the creator intends to expand it to encompass the entire country of Romania. If you have any suggestions or improvements, feel free to share them. The add-on has been tested and does not cause any lag or crashes. No new profile is required to use this add-on.
In version 1.8, the Oradea—>Debrecen GPS bug has been fixed, and a new company has been added in Salonta. Version 1.9 brings fixes to the corn texture and the truck dealer in Oradea. It also introduces a new city, Arad, with two new companies: Posped and Eurogoodies. New signs have been added, along with a road connecting Arad and Salonta.
In version 2.2, a new city called Szeged is introduced, along with companies, services, and garages. A road and highway leading to Szeged have also been added. Version 2.4 includes a new road in Oradea and a new company called Euroacres. Additionally, a new city, Lugoj, has been added along with a road connecting Lugoj and Timisoara. The company Posped can also be found in Lugoj.
Version 2.5 introduces a new city called Caransebeș, along with new companies in the city. New indicators have been added in Lugoj, and there are also new scenery and roads to explore.