TRUCKERS MAP BY.GOBA6372.R37 DEMO 1.7.1 – 1.8.X.X for ETS2
A 37th edition is now available for the game. This edition features a fully detailed fictitious route, covering Nakhodka, Vladivostok, Artem, Ussuri, Sibirtsevo, Spassk-Far, Kirov, Lesozavodsk, Hutou, Bikin, Vyazemskij, Khabarovsk, Mykolaivka, Smidovich, Birobidzhan, Londoño, Obluch’e, Arkhara, Bureya, Zavitinsk, Belogorsk, Blagoveshchensk, Seryshevo, Free, Uglegorsk, Shimanovsk, Mukhino, Sivaki, Ushumum, Tygda, Magdagachi and more, all the way to Yakutsk and Kyubyume.