ETS2 Trucks

VOLVO FH 2012 10X4 UND 8X4 ULFERTS V5.1 Truck

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New Features in V5.1:

– Convoi shields have been added to new locations.

– The Frontgrill Dragonfly is now positioned higher.

New Features in V5.0:

– Compatible with version 1.22.x.x and DLC Cabin Accessories.

– The front grill can now be painted over the engine.

– A new Kelsa Highboard has been added.

New Features in V4.3:

– Collision issues have been fixed.

– Shadow issues have been fixed.

– The attacher has been moved backward, along with the saddle plate.

– Backlights have been added to two Agregat (4 and 5).

– One Agregat now includes a Highpipe.

– Added 10×4 chassis.

– Added 8×4 and 10×4 with liftaxis.

– The scs and pmg files are now open.

– The wheelcover is now positioned higher.

– There are two options to add convoi shields.

– Fixed the mod_description UTF-8 issue.

– Reversel light issue on Agregat has been fixed.

– Accessory picture issue on convoi-shield has been fixed.

– Fixed exterior interior issue.

The Volvo mod can only be uploaded to other forums using the original download link. The pmg file is open for you to use as desired.

EAA BUS MAP 1.8 1.22